self.widgets['tooltips'].set_tip(self.widgets['preferences']['epdf_reader'], _('Define here the PDF reader you want to use within Griffith. Popular choices are xpdf, gpdf, evince or kpdf. Make sure you have this program installed and working first.'))
self.widgets['tooltips'].set_tip(self.widgets['preferences']['spell_lang'], _("Here you can define the desired language to use while spell checking some fields. Use you locale setting. For example, to use european portuguese spell checking enter 'pt'"))
self.widgets['tooltips'].set_tip(self.widgets['preferences']['mail_smtp_server'], _("Use this entry to define the SMTP server you want to use to send e-mails. On *nix systems, 'localhost' should work. Alternatively, you can use your Internet Service Provider's SMTP server address."))
self.widgets['tooltips'].set_tip(self.widgets['preferences']['mail_email'], _("This is the from e-mail address that should be used to all outgoing e-mail. You want to include your own e-mail address here probably."))
self.widgets['tooltips'].set_tip(self.widgets['preferences']['mail_smtp_port'], _("Here you can define the smtp server port to use. If you want to use your gmail account service to send e-mails, try to enter '587' here. Default (and the most common one) is '25'"))
self.widgets['tooltips'].set_tip(self.widgets['preferences']['mail_use_tls'], _("If you need TLS support, please check this checkbox. This is needed, for example, when using gmail service to send your reminder e-mails."))